Special Announcement:
Book Six: OVER THE BRINK now available!
Enjoy the first few chapters of Book Six: OVER THE BRINK
> HERE <
Enjoy the first few chapters of book five:
> HERE <

Me with Author Joe Badal, Anne Hillerman, and Judith Van Giesen (my publisher)

At the Awards Banquet for the 2014 New Mexico-Arizona Book Awards, Rob and three other authors were awarded the Tony Hillerman Prize for Best Fiction. This was completely unexpected, since the nominees for the award had not been previously announced.
Rob says he felt honored and deeply touched by the award. Tony had invited him to his weekly poker game a few times and once asked him to fill in for a reading of a Hillerman children’s book to a first grade class.
Public Notice:
Rob's thriller Saving Lincoln has been honored with a nomination for the Sue Feder Historical Mystery Award.
Rob’s friend Steven Horn, author of the outstanding return from Vietnam novel, Another Man’s Life (see Rob’s review on Amazon.com), reports: My newest novel, The Pumpkin Eater, was released on October 31st. We've had several signings, radio and TV interviews and other promotional activities and sales have been good so far. Kirkus gave it a very positive review and Craig Johnson wrote a nice blurb for me. This book is the first in a new series: A Sam Dawson Mystery.
Rob says Steven is too modest to point this out, but in addition to that Kirkus review and Craig Johnson’s endorsement, The Pumpkin Eater has been earning straight five-star reviews on Amazon.
Sell Sheet:
Download the Saving Lincoln sell sheet here
Media Appearances:
Rob interviewed about Saving Lincoln on The Morning Brew (4/10/2014) View it HERE
Rob at the Tony Hillerman Writer's Conference Link
Rob interviewed about Saving Lincoln on Eyewitness News KOB 4 (5/21/2013)
Personal Appearances:
Stay tuned.
Robert was recenlty interviewed for the April 2013 edition of PRIME TIME MONTHLY magazine in New Mexico. The article is presented below:

Robert was mentioned in GW Magazine for alumni news makers. link
Photos from Rob's 2011 Book Tour of Wyoming

Rob and Director of Special Collections Tamsen Hert add a copy of Murder for Greenhorns to the University of Wyoming Library Special Collection alongside the works of Owen Wister, Margaret Coel, Craig Johnson, and C.J. Box.

Rob in Butch Cassidy’s cell at the Wyoming Territorial Prison in Laramie.

Longtime Guernsey, WY resident Toni Briner shows Rob the ruts of the Oregon Trail.

Rob completes a sale at the Goshen County Library, Torrington, WY.

Explaining Murder for Greenhorns to a couple prospective buyers at Ft. Laramie. They were poor conversationalists and tight-fisted to boot.

Living history with Murder for Greenhorns at Ft. Fetterman.

Rob makes a wish at reconstructed Ft. Caspar.

Rob visits wagonmaster Ben Kern at his home in Evansville, WY. Rob rode four days in Ben’s stagecoach from Cheyenne to Ft. Laramie in 2008.

Donating a book to Cameron Duff at the Sheridan County Library.

The conclusion of a successful signing at Sheridan Books and Stationery.

Marge Buchholz receives Greenhorns for Cody’s Park County Library and shows Rob their great facilities.

Rob stands against a gale at Atlantic City, WY, home of Esther Morris and the birthplace of women’s right to vote which spread throughout the United States and the world.